Stuff I Think Is Cool.

Maybe you'll think it's cool, too...

Monday, September 05, 2005

We're Going to Niagara Falls!!! WOO!

Good morning and happy Labor Day to everyone! And Happy Labour Day to all my Canadian peeps!


Yesterday, I finished up all of my contributions to the album. All of my bass tracks are finished and I laid down backing vocal tracks on four songs last night. Aside from some bass mixing stuff and a few additional vocals, I am good to go. To Niagara Falls, that is!!!

However, the unfortunate side of finishing everything is that it means I'll be leaving soon. Tomorrow morning, in fact. Sigh... I'll be sad to say goodbye to such an amazing experience, surroundings and people. Sad, indeed. But I will most definitely be back - they're stuck with me now! (suckas)

Oh yeah, a shout out to Le Tigre - You'll never guess what I got the other day! I scored a pink baseball hat with the quote, "PONIES ARE PRETTY" on it. PERFECT!! Just thought you should know... And I also picked up an old-school, authetic 'My Pretty Pony' while antiquing with Tracy yesterday... You just can't beat that! Well, maybe if I had a REAL pony... Could someone please get on that? Thanks.

Welp - that's it for now - the bus is leavin' for the Falls! Tacky souvenirs for ALL!!! >:-)




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