Stuff I Think Is Cool.

Maybe you'll think it's cool, too...

Saturday, August 20, 2005

And they're OFF!


Alrighty - It's 2:45am in the morning and I'm running around trying to deal with all the last minute details before leaving on my latest adventure. Translation: I'm still packing. :)

Okay, but I have an excuse. A couple of 'em... This week was particularly crazy, but on top of it, there was a very important function I needed to attend tonight... Ladies Night!! WOO! Come on - give it up - that's just plain legitimate. So there.

Not only did we want to send ourselves off on our Toronto adventure in style, but we also wanted to honor Laurie's 30th b-day as well! Come on - ya can't ignore something like that! Well, and any excuse to get together and throw a par-tay... AND - the boys were off having some crazy adventure on the high seas, so what EVER were we to do?! >;-)

SO - now I am paying the price... I tried to leave at 11:00, but uhhh, that just didn't happen. Whatever... Sometimes you just gotta suck it up.

Anyway - I need to leave for the airport at 4:30... Kick ass! My flight leaves at 7am and I fly to Phoenix for a lay-over before continuing on to Toronto. Groovy... I always do this... I can never manage to sleep before a trip... Blah, blah, blah... If it ain't broke... Well, but I'm sure I'll feel a bit broken come tomorrow evening, but who cares - it's all for a good cause. :)

Carrie and I are embarking upon our latest adventure in order to record a groovy, new CD! Awesome! Suffice it to say that we are very excited. Greg, will be joining us in Toronto as well to lend his masterful, guitar goodness. We've been working towards this goal for quite some time and it's fabulous to finally be on our way. And for the record, Carrie has done an amazing job at putting all of this together. She has truly outdone herself...

So, I guess that's all for now. Have to finish packing!! Please stay tuned - I'll try to give the lowdown on our adventures as often as I can.

Let the rock star adventures BEGIN!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are a trooper Lady D!!! Thanks for staying for the long haul for Ladies nite, it was great talking with ya as usual!!! I'll keep my eye out for hagglers, don'tcha worry. ;)
Have a great time and keep us posted!!!

10:15 PM  
Blogger daynasmith said...

Thanks, Leslie! I'll try to get some pics up in the next day or so that show where we are... talk to ya soon!!


4:47 PM  

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