Stuff I Think Is Cool.

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Saturday, October 15, 2005

What the Hell - Part Deux!!!


Okay - whatever. I was out doing some errands this morning and someone almost hit me again! This guy TOTALLY cut in front of me and I had to majorly slam on my brakes to avoid missing him. He wasn't even LOOKING! In a nutshell, I'm freaked out to get into my car anymore. Uhh, maybe I should just walk... I'm serious. This is really freakin' me out.

Also, something REALLY weird happened today.

Last night, as I was falling asleep, I had this really weird vision of Jehovah's Witnesses coming to my door. In the vision, I had a polite conversation with them and explained that, while although I appreciate their conviction to their faith, etc. I don't share their philosophy. I also said that I don't appreciate it when people try and push their particular beliefs on others and that I prefer to keep my beliefs and philosophy to myself. More of a 'good example' sort of approach... Then, they offered me their usual pamplets and whatnot and I politely refused. And on their way they went - no harm, no foul.

OKAY - So just a couple of hours ago, I'm working on my computer and there's a knock at the door. ARGH! I wasn't expecting anyone and I was feeling like crap from the accident, so I didn't feel like being social... I looked out the peephole and didn't recognize the women at the door. But, they looked harmless enough, so I opened the door.

"Hi, Ma'am - how are you today?"

"Uhhh, fine... Yes?"

"Ma'am, do you read the bible? And do you believe that the world is in a certain state of turmoil right now?"

"Uhhh, yeah - sure." (CRAP! It's the freakin' Jehovah's Witnesses!!! At this point in time, my vision comes FLOODING back to me... WHOA!!)

"Blah, blah, blah - this is our vision of heaven - blah, blah, blah... We'd like to leave you this pamplet - blah, blah, blah - Would you like one?"

"Uhhhh, yeah - sure." (NO WAY - It's the freakin' Jehovah's Witnesses!!! I really have nothing to say at this point because I'm totally weirded out about my vision. So, I just stand there like an idiot and totally accept their dorky pamplet. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY WELL-SPOKEN COMEBACK!?!?!)

"Okay, Ma'am - thanks for your time. And thank you for opening the door. Have a nice day!"

"Uhhh, yeah - sure. Thanks. You, too." (ACK!! It's the freakin' Jehovah's Witnesses!!! Anything that I had worked up to say in case of the Jehovah's Witnesses showing up at my door was TOTALLY shot to hell. No pun intended. I was just WAY too stunned to come up with anything but an, 'Uhhhhhhhhhhhh....' Great. 'And thank you for opening the door!' - Wow, I hope this means that they're comin' BACK!)

Anyway - this day is off to a faaaabulously WEIRD start. Hmmm... What the heck ELSE is gonna happen today?! Damn. I'm hiding under my bed. See you in a few days.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was funny. I'm a JW. Dreams often mean something...may God felt you needed someone to talk to....LOL.

Have a great day!!

3:13 PM  

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