Stuff I Think Is Cool.

Maybe you'll think it's cool, too...

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Perfect Recording Spot...

Ahhhh... Happy Birthday to ME!

Sooo, this is how I spent my night...

We decided, unexpetedly, to start recording tonight. We had orginally planned on making Sunday a 'get adjusted to the area' sort of day, but we ended up recording today anyway... I think it was part of our brilliant producer's plan all along... (Darryl 'Luv Ma'Cheen' Neudorf) Our awesome drummer, Michelle was staying the night anyway, so I guess it all made sense... And as I explained earlier, we had already visited the 'Beer Store' so it just made even MORE sense. Off to recording land we went...

For the first song of the recording, we decided upon 'Just for Tonight.' Since Greg isn't joining us until next week, we have to initially record tracks that don't 'beyond the shadow of a doubt' require his guitar presence. (However, for the record (bhaahahahahha) we honestly consider ALL of his parts to be necessary and really wish he could be here from the beginning...) ANYway...

While although it all worked out in the end, maybe this particular song wasn't the best choice for 'first song.' Basically, there are a few part of this song that are very 'directed.' It doesn't just plug along through the song. No, it has several different breaks and quirky sections to navigate. It's all well and good, but since we're recording in a situation where we can't see Carrie (drums and bass are in a separate room with no window) and we hadn't played together as a trio before, it was hard to figure out exactly where certain sections of the song were supposed to go. However, after we played it a few times and all kind of got accustomed to each other's styles of playing, it was all good to go.

Except for the stupid bass solo... Maybe Carrie will call me anal or something, but I had issues with the bass solo section - just wasn't pleased with things... Part of it was because I wasn't prepared to do a solo as I thought we were taking that section out for the recording... Part of it was because I'm basically a dork... whatever... I SUPPOSE it all worked out in the end and there's going to be a very unplanned, unexpected bass solo in the tune... Sigh... I hope it doesn't make anyone vomit. :)

But I digress... So we RECORDED OUR FIRST SONG! KICK ASS!! We got the basic tracks done and we are on our way! After we finished recording, we felt it was HIGH time to have a bonfire on the lake and celebrate our success... Oh yeah, and while we were recording, Tracy made us some AWESOME veggie trays and dip. And chips and dip... And brought us down some Perrier... What, are we like Princesses or something! :) I love this place... I love Darryl, Tracy and Michelle... Awe, shucks...

Back to the bonfire... Yeah, for the record, we're recording this album on a LAKE. So there.

After we finished up our first tune, we decided to call it a night. However, the night was not over... We still needed to walk down to the end of the yard and build a fire in the fire pit! Oh and we also needed to drink really good beer, have great conversation and solve the world's problems in the meantime... I think we did a pretty good job... Well, at least under the guise of which I currently choose to labor... Seriously - we had great conversation, a great campfire, we were on a LAKE and we just had made a GREAT recording. I honestly can't recall a better freakin' birthday... Yeah... Happy birthday to ME! WOO!!

Oh, and for a further point on the record, I have had several very good beers tonight. Yeah. I've had some great cream ales as well as several 'mead-like' beers.... Uhhh, feelin' good... But hey - IT'S MY FREAKIN' BIRTHDAY!!! Oh, and I also smell like a campfire... I don't know if it could be much better... :)

Anyhoo - I hope you all are having a fabulous morning/afternoon/night/WHATever... I hope you ALL are doing well and know that we are totally thinking about you. And have already told many drunken stories about you around our campfire... Suckas... >:-) More on the Toronto front soon!

Lady D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there rock stars, how'd it go today? I am counting the days, nay, minutes before i can climb aboard a plane and fly away to paradise.

I now own a lap steel guitar. Her name is Margarette. She's very nice, has been used in the past, but is willing to try it again. Now all i have to do is learn to play so as to enhance m4 l33t sk1lz. \o/

s3yn1ng 0ph


10:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAYNA!!!!!!!!!!! Congrat's on your first song- truly a monumental sort of day! ;) We miss you both already!


11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Lady D! Sounds like the "Perfect" way to spend your birthday.

I just saw a surfing rat on The Daily Show. no kidding.


11:30 PM  

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