Stuff I Think Is Cool.

Maybe you'll think it's cool, too...

Friday, October 21, 2005



What the HELL is going on??!?

So, I was walking out to my car at lunch today. I park in an enclosed parking garage. Key word: ENCLOSED. Granted, there are a couple open areas, but STILL...

ANYway, I'm walking to my car. I turn the corner to the row where my car is parked and I felt a swoosh of air coming up behind me. As I looked up, a black crow with it's wingspan fully extended, flew over my HEAD! ACK! And then it kept going - not really flapping its wings, but kind of gliding eerily past my head, on through the center of the row... Insert Hitchcockian music *HERE*

I have NEVER seen a bird in this parking garage - or ANY garage, for that matter. Sure, it's not totally unthinkable, but a CROW!? Just hanging out - gliding through the garage?! OVER MY HEAD?!?!? And it was a BIG crow!!!

Seriously. It just completely weirded me out. Yeah, and I'm ALREADY weirded out from the events of the last few days... I drove out of the parking garage with a giant pit in my stomach. It just felt like SUCH a bad omen...

Then, I went to meet the Lovely Maid Emiline to pick up some keys. While I was parallel parking my car in front of Guitar Center, my front tire bumped up against the curb. Nothing big or anything, but it told me that I was really close to the curb... JUST as I bumped my tire on the curb, this crazy FedEx guy comes out of nowhere - RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY CAR! (His truck was parked in front of me...) I mean, he actually had his hand on my hood as he was short-cutting in front of my car... And BECAUSE of this fact, my car sort of bumped him when my tire hit the curb. Luckily - he KNEW he shouldn't have been doing what he was doing and he looked at me and laughed. AND - the bump from my car was NOTHING, so I knew he wasn't hurt... BUT STILL!!!! I was already frazzled... Crazy FedEx Guy did NOT help matters...

Anyway - the saga continues... SOMEthing is going on... OH YEAH - Someone rear-ended EMILY the other day as well!! And she's still recovering from an accident that she got a month ago!! SOMEthing is going on...

I'm going back under my desk. See you next year.

TRJ (tm)


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