Stuff I Think Is Cool.

Maybe you'll think it's cool, too...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Pizza, Go Home!

Greetings and salivations!

I'd like to take a few minutes to share a few of my observations, conversations, etc. from the last few days...

The other night, around our post-recording camp fire, we were talking about funny signs, translations, etc. we've seen around the world. Michelle shared with us a CHOICE one that has since taken on quite a life of it's own...

A while back, Michelle was touring in Eastern Europe and took a visit to Prague. While visiting, she came across the most AWESOME of pizza places. (Because, I'd venture to say that nothing says Prague quite like Pizza...) ANYway - The name of the pizza place was displayed in English and read, "Pizza Go Home." YES!!! That's just brilliant.

Okay, yes, I'm sure that it was a mistranslation of 'Take out' or 'Take home', but that's still just totally brilliant. And ever since Michelle told us the story, "Pizza Go Home" has morphed into a total comedy tirade. 'Lots of fun to be had with the 'Go Home' line... It's easy! Give it a whirl:

"__________ Go Home!" Try it - it's fun!!!

She also told us a funny story about the Pizza Go Home chain. She happened upon a building that was very bleak and foreboding. At one time it had been a former KGB headquarters, but was now serving as the local police station. Parked in front of the police station was an entire line-up of police cars, all neatly in a row. Parked at the very end of the row, in front of this very oppressive building was a Pizza Go Home delivery car with its delivery car lights and doo-dads on top. I can just imagine the scene. Apparently, the pizza place was right next to the police building, so they were allowed a parking spot in front. I wish SO much I had a picture of that... I'm sure the KGB never had Pizza Go Home in mind as a future next door neighbor. Or vice versa...

(Ex: KGB Go Home)

Alrighty - next up, the best burger chain slogan EVER:

"Meat. Fire. Good."

What more is there to say? This is the new slogan of a Canadian burger chain - can't remember which one... Seriously - why bother to sugar coat things? I'm sure they've found similar slogans carved in cave walls somewhere. Hey - if it ain't broke - don't fix it. And this saying has also taken on a complete, comedic life of it's own over the last few days. Again, it's just so easy! Give it a try!

"__________. Fire. Good."

(Ex: Bass line. Fire. Good.)

And last, but not least, the concept of naming something TWICE. I mean, if it's that good, better say it TWICE!

While driving around Toronto the other day, we happened upon not only, "Pizza Pizza", but "Coffee Coffee" as well! Double score! (Bahahahahahahahhaaaa - Wooooo...) It just made me laugh.

Not to say, however, that Seattle doesn't have it's more than fair share of ridiculous signage. I come from the town of the 'Genetic Cigarette' sign and my personal favorite, 'Canal Boiler Works.' (Seriously - could someone just PLEASE go black out the 'C' in that sign!!??! COME ON!)
So yeah, I guess that's it on the highlights for now. Coming up soon: Ladies Night on the Lake, the painful birth of 'Hovering', Carrie's growing addiction to the HBO show, 'Carnivale' and other assorted nuggets.

In the meantime, please check out the following websites: - Duh. The reason why I'm here... - Our FABULOUS producer. - Our amazing drummer.

Again, it is absolutely wonderful here and we are having the best time ever!!!! WOO!!!

Write more soon -



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