Stuff I Think Is Cool.

Maybe you'll think it's cool, too...

Saturday, April 29, 2006

11 and 12 – BAH! (Lucky 13, It Is!!)


Alright - here’s the deal: I didn’t write anything for days 11 and 12. HOWEVER, I have a perfectly good excuse. And if I'm fine with it, you gots ta be, too. So there. (tm)

On Thursday night, I did actually do some writing, but not on my blog. Chadwick (aka ‘Le Tigre’) and I went out to Mexican food and discussed what is sure to be the next, great American screenplay. WOO! We’ve been talking about writing something together for quite some time and on Thursday, we finally started putting things in motion. (Sorta… We’re still throwing around story ideas…) Oh, and a few tasty margaritas were also involved. Heh heh… Screw Dorothy Parker and her vicious circle – we had a table wth chips and margaritas and everything was alllll good and literary-like. HA!

Last night, okay – last night I didn’t really do any writing per se, but I did have a great time talking about music, travels, good food/beer and other very important items. Hung out with Andrew, the drummer for ‘Halflight’ and had a really great time. (New band I’m playing in…)

Learned that I’ve made yet another connection to New Mexico - Specifically Albuquerque… It’s just so weird how many friends I’ve made from New Mexico over the last couple of years… Very weird, indeed! Turns out that he grew up a few blocks away from that crazy hotel we took a picture of while we were on tour... Cool!

Anyway, it was a really nice night and we ended it in SUPREME style with fried pickles and good beer/cider at The People’s Pub in Ballard. I LOVE THAT PLACE!! I can honestly say that it is one of my favorite spots in town… Good times, good times…

Alrighty – I gots ta go. Going out to check out a Seattle Weekly music shindig over in Ballard and need to do some practicing before I go out…

Have a fan-freakin-tastic night and fare thee well!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

And Then There Was Ten...


I'm reeeeeaaalllllyyy tired right now, but I'm going to at least put something down.


There. Done and DONE.

Sigh... Oh, alright - here's a little more substance:

Got up, took the bus, worked all day, came home, became an Aunt for the 4th time, went to rehearsal, had a great time, worked on some new tunes, lost and later found my keys, came home, got my crap together for tomorrow, watched 'South Park' and now... Now I'm WRITING!

I have a fascinating life. I know you're jealous... WOO!

There. Done and DONE! Again!!

Hope you are havin' a fan-freakin-tastic evening. SHIP IT!

Soooo fine - It's number NINE!

Again - This will be short... Clearly, I need to get my writing accomplished earlier in the evening...

However, I again have a noble reason for not writing much. I just got home from seeing the 'Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs' at the Paramount and they KICKED ASS!! WOO! But - I wish that I could've heard the vocals better... OH well - the drummer kicked ass... :) As well did the rest of the band, but the drummer stood out in particular. ANYhoo...

But on other notes, before I turn in, I cannot fail to mention there is yet another debate raging between one, Paul D. Gibson and myself. Oh, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - will he ever agree with me about ANYthing!??!? :)P Verily I say unto you, PROBABLY NOT.

ANYway - Paul disagrees with my opinion/theory/observation/experience that part of the fashion of the 80's was derived of inspiration from the 60's. Not that I really want to admit my age, but I was freakin' THERE! I wore the clothes - I read the magazines - I was part of the culture of the 80's. And - a part of the fashion paid tribute to certain aspects of fashion from the 60's. Granted, I'm not saying that ALL fashion from the 80's was a throw back to the 60's - Not at all. What I'm arguing is that a certain part of 80's fashion took inspiration from the 60's.

Fashion tends to come in cycles - specifically, 20 year cycles. You can look down through the ages and completely see how fashion recycles itself. There are always new additions to the mix, but there is also tribute to what has come before. So freakin' there. Ohhhh yeah, and in the next few days, I am DEFINITELY going to find much info to back up my claim. Sigh... Just as I'm alllllllways forced to do whenever Paul doesn't believe me. Which is frequent... Dork. :)P (Yeah, I'm talkin' to YOU, Slingshot.)

Alright - I'm going to freakin' bed. The concert rocked, beer is good and fashion comes in cycles of 20 years. All is well with the world...


Monday, April 24, 2006

Eight is GREAT!

Blah, blah-biddy, blah...

Again, this is going to be quick. It's getting late and I need to go to freakin' bed. But hey - I'm writing something down... Just like I freakin' said I would. Yeah...

I just finished checking out the new Carrie Clark and the Lonesome Lovers site - QA style. It was kind of funny using my actual work skillz for the forces of Good, rather than EEEEEEEVIL. (As in, 'Fru-its of the De-veel') I'd much rather check out our website for a couple of hours vs. playing Solitaire until my eyes bleed. (And hey - that's because playing Solitaire is actually my JOB. I'm not wastin' time at work - I'm actually supposed to be playing that freakin' game. Bahahahahahahaaaaaa... )

ANYhoo - the website is lookin' pretty good. Right on! :)

Okay - that's gotta be it for now. Off to bed for me. I did what I was supposed to do today - all is well in the world. SHIP IT!

See ya!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Two! Two for the price of ONE!


Yeah, ummm, so I didn't write last night. Heh heh... But it's not like I was sittin' around on my ass. Noooo - it was alllll very noble and official. (Well, most of it...) ANYhoo - let's just count this entry for TWO, shall we? (Great. Thanks!)

Had a gig last night at Crossroads - Very interesting show... We played for people of ALL ages - very ecclectic audience, to say the least. We played a couple of sets, but since the show started at 7:30, we were done and out of there by 10:30! WOO!! And well, that left pleeeeeently of time for which to saddle up to the bar....

With that in mind, we very quickly left the Eastside and came back across the water - away from all the neon and SUV's... We decided to meet up at Tangletown for a few post-gig drinks. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my neighborhood? Yeah - I'm quite fond of it... Not only is Tangletown (part of the Elysian family) right across the street, but the Luau and Lenny's are just down the block. Suffice it to say, it is dangerously easy to procure good food and beverage in my neighborhood. And ohhhhhh so easy to stumble home afterwards. ;)

And well, that's exactly what I did. HA! Hung out with Carrie, Damon, Mike, Greg and Jill for a few hours and had a great time. Good conversation, lively debate and the invent of several very amusing toasts made for quite an entertaining time. Seriously - it was exactly what I needed last night. I had a great time talking and hanging out - probably the best time I've had in a while... Cool.

After I got home, I ended up spending a couple of hours online listening to music via Rhapsody. (Real Networks program - Very cool and very addicting...) Anyway - I had become involved in an interesting musical conversation and really just needed to get to the bottom of it. In the end, I definitely cemented my opinion on the topic, but also got sidetracked rockin' out to some much beloved music. MUCH better than falling asleep to the freakin' TV... So there. Who cares if I didn't go to bed until around 5am...

Today I just took care of some errands and busy work around the house. It was a BEEEEEAUTIFUL day in Seattle and so I did actually get outside for a while to enjoy it. Just spent some time walking around my hood and enjoying some tunes. Not too shabby...

Tonight, I actually fell asleep on the couch at around 7:30 - CRAP! (Could it maybe be the 4am Rhapsody session!? Hmmmm...) Had some phone calls to make and some more busy work to do, but I totally got sidetracked by sleep. It's very rare that I fall asleep before freakin' 2am - weird... Oh well - I got up a little after 9 and called my dad. I ended up talking to him for TWO hours! Glad we have unlimited weekend minutes... Today was the anniversary of when he and my mom went on their very first date. He had gone to Yakima for the day to do a bit of remembering... Sigh... I really miss her. Yeah...

Alright - it's getting late - gotta get stuff ready for tomorrow. Hope ya'll had a great weekend - chat with you's lata!!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Five Alive!

Uhhhh, this will be suuuuuper short.... Awwwweeee yeaaahhh... But maybe if I make the words loooooonnnggggerrrrr, it'll seem like there's actually muuuuuucccchhhhhh more content. Hey - it could woooorrrrkkkkkk.... A girl's gotta trrrryyyyyyyyy.... Siiiiiiggggghhhhhhhhhh.... :)P

ANYhoo - I'll write more later, but I wanted to follow through with my freakin' plan - at least SORT of.

And with that -

I just got back from a gig at St. Clouds. It was one of the quieter nights, but I was still a good time. And we ended the evening with a very entertaining rendition of 'Dream Weaver.' A gig just ain't a gig until you end it with freakin' DREAM WEAVER. It's true - trust me.

It was also really nice as we had the much welcome addition of a drummer. YAY! It is SO nice to share the rhythmic load with someone... WOO! And he's a very good drummer, at that. Makes it even easier!! We've been playing with Mike for a few weeks now - hope he can put up with our Dream Weaving shenanigans and keep hangin' out with us. :)

Alrighty - I'm spent. End o' discussion. I will definitely write more tomorrow, but for now - It's adios!! SEE YA!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Four on the Floor...


Alright – this is gonna be diggity damn short. So there. But at least I’m writing SOMEthing…

Got some stuff done today – did what I was supposed to do - all is well with the world… Woo.

Had a rehearsal tonight with the band, ‘Halflight.’ Really nice group of musicians – had a good time and I enjoyed playing with them. What is REALLY bizarre is not only the fact that the lead singer’s name is Dayna (WITH a ‘y’) but that she’s a bass player as well! AND has been playing bass for just about as long as I have! What the hell?!?! That’s just plain weird… ANYway – it will be interesting to see what comes of it all. Can two bass playing Daynas exist in the same space at the same time?! Will it cause a rip in the time/space continuum?! I’m sure the world is on the edge of its seat… :)

So seriously – that’s all I got. I ain’t got no more to give… But at least I gave something, dammit. And NOW I will go to bed…

See ya!

Number Three - In the can!

Whoopity-Deeee – It’s DAY THREE!

WOO! Yeah, give it up – I DO NOT want to be doing anything but lying on the couch right now – watchin’ some fiiiiinne late-night television programming, but I am *NOT.* So THERE.

In addition to *NOT* lying on the couch, I cleaned the kitchen, got everything ready for work tomorrow AND I flossed. STEP OFF! All this on the heels of returning from a rather late rehearsal and a very long day at work…

Today started out as usual – Got up – Didn’t want to get up, but I got freakin’ up - Got ready – made coffee – TOOK THE BUS – got to work - Played some freakin’ Solitaire (because that’s actually my freakin’ JOB) and went about my usual business. Yeah – nothing exciting. Quite the contrary, actually…

BUT THEN – I came home and checked the mail. WOO FREAKIN’ HOOOOO!! The check that I had been waiting for finally came in the mail. AND – I was home before the bank had closed, so I still had time to cash the check and do what I needed to do. Suffice it to say that this check has been HOTLY anticipated and it was a very welcome addition to my day. However, what makes it an even HOTTER arrival was that it was waaay larger than I had anticipated. WAY larger… WOW! I really wasn’t expecting that… ANYhoo – I cashed that bad boy as soon as possible and ummm… went directly to the... BEER STORE. Moowhwahahahahahaaaahahahaaaahahahah!

And then I went to rehearsal….

It all started out well and good. We were there to get ready for a show on Friday night and that’s exactly what we were doing. We’re preeeefessionals, after all! But, umm… Yeah – then the La Fin Du Monde started to kick in… As some of you may remember, we made fast friends with La Fin Du Monde while we were recording our album in Toronto. ANYhoo – we had a bit of our beloved La Fin Du Monde and the evening was off to a rousing start. (And a rather amusing ending….) Anyway, it never really recovered. Heh heh…

I might also add that not only did I bring beer, but so did Carrie and Mike! We usually trade off, but we didn’t check with each other tonight to see who was buyin’ and well, EVERYone ended up buyin’. WOO!

However, we did get all of the songs taken care of and I *think*all will be well on Friday night. Well, even if it’s not all well – we always have ‘Dream Weaver’ to fall back on… Oh yeeeeaaahhh… Now with DRUMS! YES!!! ;)

A quote from our beloved producer is echoing in my mind… “Do you guys always drink this much beer?” Tee hee…

Alrighty – this is way longer than I planned. I’m looking at the clock and I have to actually be sitting at my desk in a matter of hours. Great. Oh well – at least I did what I said I was going to do… SO THERE.

Have a fan-freakin-tastic night/morning/whatever! CIAO!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Doop Dee Doo - It's DAY 2!

ANYhooooo – It’s DAY FREAKIN’ TWO!!


Yeah, so it’s Day 2. I got up – briefly worked out – made coffee and lunch – took the freakin’ bus… Didn’t spend any money… Blah, blah, blah…

Work was SUPREMELY annoying today… Let’s just leave it at that. Oh wait – I’m supposed to be positive right now… Ummm, okay… Work provided a great challenge today. Days like today will help me to be a stronger person. Days like today will help fortify my resolve to find a new job… Days like today will… Days like today can just lick my BOO-TAY. So there. :) (Adding the smiley face makes it allll better and very positive. Thank you.)

Had a rehearsal tonight with Carrie and Greg… I wanted to play, but I gotta admit that I could’ve easily stayed home and took on the shape of the couch. On account of my very positive day… Well, whatever – good thing I had a rehearsal – I got in my obligatory practice time AND I didn’t become the couch. Two – TWO for the price of one…

Sigh… Alright – it’s getting late… And if I want to stick to my freakin’ plan, I need to bid you adieu. (to ewe and ewe and ewe…)

More on my EXCITING plan tomorrow… WOO! I can hardly wait…

See ya!

Monday, April 17, 2006

Day Freakin' 1

Alllllllrrriiiggghhhtttyyyyy… Day 1

So, I was thinking of starting this whole ‘Experiment’ thing yesterday, but I forgot about the big Easter shindig... Went over to my brother’s house for dinner and well, it was just a little hard to get motivated after a day of way too much food… And beer… Because, hey – nothing quite says ‘Happy Easter’ like a tall, frosty one. ANYhoo...

That being said, I started everything today instead. And see??! I’m WRITING! I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing! So there. Alright – well, mostly… I was supposed to take the bus to work this morning, but I JUST DIDN’T FEEL LIKE IT. Actually, more than not wanting to take it this morning, I didn’t want to take it home tonight. Tonight is the only night this week I’ll be at home and I had a lot of things to get done. I didn’t want to waste an hour of that time sitting on the bus… Blah, blah, blah… ANYway – I didn’t take the freakin’ bus. Don’t judge me… You don’t know me! :)P

I have, however, done everything else I was planning on doing today – even got up and worked out this morning. What the hell?! That’s always a big one as, let’s just face it – I am *not* Lil’ Mary Sunshine in the morning… Nope.

So yeah – better go… Still have to freakin’ floss, work out, read, practice and not fall asleep in front of the damn TV. Oh yeah – I’m not messin’ around…

Talk to you’s TOMORROW. See ya!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Experiment

Alrighty, then - how the hell are ya?! Me? Hmmm... Well, yeah...

ANYhoo - here's the deal: I'm about to embark upon 'The Experiment.' Think the movie "Super-Size Me", but ummm, not... Basically, I've got a list of crap I feel needs to be accomplished on a daily basis in order to achieve my desired goals. There's a theory that you can break a habit in 30 days and/or make a marked amount of change. Therefore, I'm going to take my little list and try and stick to it for the next 30 days and see what happens. Yeah, it's just time to make a few changes... And in order to make it official, I've decided to document my little experiment over the next 30 days.

And here's where you come in... In order to keep my lazy-ass in check, I'm going to write each day about what I did and didn't do. (Hopefully, there won't be much of a 'didn't do' list...) It will also serve to take care of the fact I haven't been writing much lately and I really want to... Just havin' a little issue with motivation of late... ANYways - All you gotta do is to read it. Even if 'you' don't really exist and no one ever actually checks this out, it doesn't really matter. I'll still be labouring under the idea of someone watching which will therefore help keep me in check. Wouldn't wanna be labled a slacker...

Following are a few of the items that have made the list - Items I feel will improve my life, etc. It's not the entire list, but these are some of the big ones:

Quit falling asleep to the TV.
Quit staying up pointlessly late. (Especially on weeknights)
Clean up house on a daily basis.
Keep finances in order.
Workout everyday.
Don't forget to floss.
Take vitamins everyday.
Write everyday.
Read Everyday.
PRACTICE everyday.
Get everything ready for the next morning.
Get to work early everyday.
Eat a decent breakfast.
No crappy food.
Limit coffee after noon.
Bus/walk whenever possible.
Limit weekday social events.
Go somewhere outdoors every weekend.
Be freakin' positive.

Okay - those are the high points. Sure, there are others, but a girl's gotta have SOME secrets... I was planning on starting everything this week, but since I got a bit of a late start, I'll start on Sunday. HOWEVER, that doesn't necessarily mean that I've been slacking on things this week. I've pretty much been following through with everything... I just want to start the 'official' experiment at the beginning of the week. ANYhoo - blah, blah, blah - Let The Experiment begin. Who knows how I'll feel at the end of it. Will this list actually make me feel better about my life? Tune in and find out! Or, ummm, don't - Do what you gotta do. See ya!